Just Joanna!
In a world filled with opportunities you just need to decide what you want to do and follow the signs.
I was born and raised in beautiful Bulgaria and after graduating from high school I left to get my Bachelor’s degree in Denmark. After graduating with a double degree in ICT Engineering and Global Business Engineering it was time to move to my next adventure. During my stay in the north, I gained a different perspective of the world which lead me to obtain my Masters degree in Risk Analysis and Decision Making at Stockholm University.
My passion was always entrepreneurship. It is fascinating how exciting and scary it can be at the same time. While finishing my education I couldn`t resist starting my first business. It was a clothing dropshipping business. I had researched and built my first online store in less than a week, but then everything died down. There was one challenge – I didn`t know what to do next. I had no experience and I had just started my marketing education. It wasn’t long before the ship that was my business, sank into the deep waters of my naivety.
A year later, with more skills and knowledge I opened my second online store, selling aroma candles. This time around I knew what to do so the business took off pretty quickly. I started receiving lots of orders and made a lot of sales and then….my supplier just disappeared. It was such a big lesson. I was losing money and had disappointed my clients. To save the business I even tried manufacturing the candles myself, but that was a total disaster. That year I learned two lessons – never rely on one supplier and always have good margins so that it’s easier to replace a supplier if needed. Business number 2 was therefore also officially labeled a failure.
I never gave up, so two years later, just as I was graduating I started my next venture which was building a SaaS project management solution with two friends. We had put our hearts and souls into it, but we weren`t ready. Our paths led us in different directions and the project was shelved. This venture, however, was the most educational project I have been part of. I had learned so much and gained so many new skills in business and marketing.
Failing 3 times is not something to brag about, right? Of course, it is. If I haven`t failed, I would never have made it to where I am today. Soon after the SaaS project was closed, I started my next business. I founded my Digital Marketing Agency Liatto with the sole purpose of helping businesses grow and helping entrepreneurs avoid making the same mistakes I did. Now 7 years later I am working with some of the most amazing people from around the world. I have been blessed with the opportunity to get to know so many passionate people, who are making a difference with their ideas and actions.
Not only have I helped them, but I have also learned from them. Every business I work with is different, and every situation is unique, so no one solution fits them all.
Now I want to share my knowledge and skills with the rest of the world and make them accessible to as many passionate entrepreneurs and business owners as possible. If that’s you, welcome! And I hope you find this website valuable.
Joanna Ata