Welcome to my blog!
I am happy to see you here. Below you will find different topics related to starting and managing your business. I would be happy to get your feedback and you are more than welcome to send me any questions!
Why Your Ad Campaign Isn’t Working: How to Recognize and Fix the Problem
You are running ads, and spending money, but no results? You are not alone. I have seen this a gazillion times. In some cases, the reasons behind unsatisfactory campaigns are obvious and easy to correct. But in some cases, it is a complex fusion of bad decisions and practices along the whole funnel.
Best Practices for Setting up a Growth Marketing Strategy for Startups: A Comprehensive Guide
Learn the best practices for setting up a growth marketing strategy for startups. From defining your target audience to tracking your metrics, this guide covers everything you need to know.
The Use of AI in Digital Marketing: Optimizing Ads on Meta and Google
Learn how AI is transforming digital marketing by optimizing ads on Meta and Google. Discover the top 4 ways AI can enhance your ad targeting, placement, and messaging for maximum performance.
Beyond Clicks and Impressions: Why ROAS is the Metric That Matters
ROAS can help businesses make data-driven decisions about their advertising budgets. By focusing on campaigns with the highest ROAS, businesses can maximize their advertising dollars and generate the greatest possible return on investment.
The Constant Planning – How do you avoid failing while you are failing
As I often say, “Even the best plan without action will not save you from failure.” A plan is only as good as the actions you take to implement it.
Twitter Image & Ads Sizes – 2022 Design Guide
Discover all the important Twitter image and ad sizes + other essential information in this 2022 design guide.
How to measure your business success?
I always think about success and how we measure it by standards and values that aren't necessarily important to us but rather the standards and values forced on us by society.
Instagram Image & Ads Sizes – 2022 Design Guide
Discover all the important Instagram image and ad sizes + other essential information in this 2022 design guide.
3 Steps to Set Your Business Goals in 2022
Success will not come overnight, but believe me, if you stick to your purpose at the end of this year you will see how many milestones you reached.
Facebook Image & Ads Sizes – 2022 Design Guide
Discover all the important Facebook image and ad sizes + other essential information in this 2022 design guide.
What are your weaknesses?
Surround yourself with people who compliment your weaknesses and personality and who bring different skills to your business and projects. This will definitely help and keep you on the right track especially during those times of doubt.
I am not your audience. And that’s ok
My service or product is not for everyone. This is the revelation I got not from one but from two of my private clients this week.
The Basics: The AIDA model
I remember when my university teacher introduced us to the AIDA model. I stared at the smart whiteboard as she explained every step. Once she was done the only thing that I thought was how obvious it is, and how much sense it all makes. And while it might seem like...
Are you ready to start your own business?
“If we look at fear "without fear" at least once, we will get an idea of its dual aspect: on the one hand, it can activate us, on the other - paralyze us.”
Getting an investment: How? Where? When?
The main step before you look for investment is to consider if you really need one. Many companies use bootstrapping because sometimes the best funding option is not to seek investment at all but to focus on execution and build traction without outside interference
I would send you useful tips on how to grow your business